For many of us who are photo hobbyists, too often the camera sits gathering dust until the urge to shoot compels us to grab it from it's secluded corner. When we do take it out for some photo fun we regale in the activity and do an inner happy dance when a photo comes out satisfyingly good. Why? Because we know that these supper great shots don't come too often. The reason for this is because we do not exercise our photographic eye enough. We don't flex our creative side often enough to the point where consistently good photographs are routinely created. Unfortunately it is because ' life ' interferes. Work, family, bills, kids, lawns, cars, and so on... One of the hardest things to do for many is to become disciplined enough to shoot consistently. This may mean simply taking a few minutes each day to grab the camera, step outside and grab a few frames of what's happening around you. Or it can be to try a new technique down in your cellar studio. Whatev...